News / Conference connected

06 December 2016

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Delegates at this year’s HFMA annual conference will once again be able to use a smartphone app to see the conference programme, view a map of the exhibition and connect with friends and colleagues.

The app also gives fast access to the conference Twitter stream, as well as information on sponsors and exhibitors.

The conference, which is being held in London on 7-9 December, features some of the best-known names in NHS finance, international healthcare and the world of business. 

Speakers include NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey, NHS England chief financial officer Paul Baumann, former Sainsbury’s chief executive Justin King and Sarah Storey, Great Britain’s most decorated female Paralympian. 

As always, the conference features the annual HFMA Awards ceremony, when more than 700 guests will celebrate the achievements and best practice of the NHS finance function.

Healthcare Finance will be reporting from the event – look out for the latest news in the Top stories section of the HFMA website – and delegates can also tweet using #HFMA2016.