News / Common cause

11 July 2008

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With sessions on how nurse-finance collaboration can deliver quality and bottom line results and service line competition, delegates to the annual national institute (ANI) in Las Vegas - the US HFMA's annual conference - could have been hearing about the latest hot issues in NHS finance.

Only sessions on patient insurance verification and transparent pricing indicated that the US healthcare system was the focus of attention.

However, UK issues did get an airing as UK HFMA chairman Chris Calkin updated the conference, which attracts some 3,000 delegates and visitors, on latest developments in payment by results and the English approach to performance management.

Mr Calkin was in good company as the conference was also addressed by best selling author and business management guru Tom Peters. Mr Peters, a former White House adviser, has written more than a dozen books and spoke to the conference about how to achieve excellence through leadership in healthcare.