Alumni story / Coaching to avoid burnout

02 April 2018 Jonathan Bowyer
Have you ever had the sense of being overwhelmed with your work? Reaching the point where positive stress turns into negative, demotivating stress? The point where your health starts to suffer, sleepless nights increase and the quality of your work and relationships starts to decrease? Have you ever felt burnt out?

The causes of burnout are numerous but coaching can play a key role in understanding, avoiding and overcoming it. Coaching, a series of one-to-one conversations focussed on you and your agenda, provides an opportunity to step back from doing and engage in the processes of prioritising, planning, critically reflecting and simply ‘getting things off your chest’.

If burnout is about feeling out of control, then coaching can help you regain control, re-focus on what is important and develop strategies for keeping on top of your workload. Often that includes finding different ways of saying ‘no’.

It’s common for busy people to say they don’t have time to stop and reflect – but the busier you get, the greater the need to do just that. Working with a coach can help you to understand burnout and enable you to focus on strategies to avoid it and create lasting change. 

To find out more about executive coaching, get in touch with [email protected] 0117 938 8320 to arrange a call back.