Comment / Business as usual

30 January 2012

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It seems like yesterday we were at the HFMA conference and yet by the time you read this it will be February. Time flies in the NHS as we continue to move forward with the twin challenges of system change and efficiency.

The conference in December 2011 was a high water mark for us in many ways. Not only did we hear from the health secretary directly for the first time since 1996, but many other senior NHS leaders attended despite busy schedules. I was pleased they recognised that we have a highly competent finance function that has delivered consistently. There was also a confidence that this stands us in good stead to deliver financial targets in the future – so no pressure there then! We had record attendance at the event and the sponsorship revenue generated helps to fund the association’s operating costs. I would like to thank everyone who made the event one of the most successful HFMA conferences ever.

Another bit of news to emerge from conference was the launch of our brand new joint venture with global HR services group Penna. The HFMA and Penna will work in the health market together to provide a wide range of resourcing services, including recruitment, executive coaching and consulting. We will pool our knowledge to offer a very professional leading edge service for the NHS sector. I am delighted that a big player in the recruitment/HR sector has joined forces with us and I hope we will be able to be an excellent new service for organisations.

I know budgets are being squeezed across the country as the pressure of the QIPP/efficiency challenge begins to take an effect. At the HFMA we are continually on the lookout for best practice so we can develop new ideas and showcase where that is taking place. Our aim is to ‘shape healthcare finance’ and we do this through our various groups and publications. Many of our committees contain at least one (often more) delegate from outside bodies, whether they be regulators, third sector or statutory organisations. We seek to involve individuals in these organisations in our work and to shape their thinking. We are always searching for opportunities to create real value for members and make a difference.

The HFMA board met recently to review the association’s progress at our financial year’s midpoint of the end of December. Plans for next year's conference are already being laid and you should have received an email with our early, early booker offer. The board discussed other issues relating to membership and pricing. But by far the biggest discussion was about investments and how we achieve long-term maximum returns. This conversation is happening in boards all over the country and we’ve been given the task of looking at different areas on behalf of the HFMA. 

I am committed to building a vibrant and successful association that is making a difference across the finance function, the NHS and for the wider population. We can only do this with your help and enthusiasm.  As the new year starts, please think about how you can make a difference by working with the association to achieve our objectives.

A belated happy new year!