Comment / Business as usual

09 November 2009

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When The HFMA Board of Trustees met recently, part of its discussions focused on proposed changes to the association’s governance (see page 23). The trustees also discussed how the downturn will affect the association. We are proposing changes to the partner scheme to help organisations and I will be consulting with our NHS customers. One thing is clear: your support is valued and never taken for granted.

During this period, the chairman and I have travelled the UK to branch conferences. What is clear is that the HFMA has never been stronger. Whether it is the Welsh and Scottish branches running their traditionally strong events or the Eastern and East Midlands running their newer ones, there are common threads: large attendances, vibrant programmes, active memberships. 

This will be the first year since I have been chief executive that all 13 branches will have held annual conferences and I am delighted to say good reports were received from each. Not only did we see big attendances but our new system to assist branches with central accounting and support for events was also a success. Each branch now has a working budget and a business plan and we are working well together. I hope this will encourage more members to get involved with their local branch and help their colleagues develop.

And so to our annual conference, our flagship event that brings together finance directors and senior finance managers from across the UK health services. It will provide an opportunity to understand new and changing policy, and provide a platform for debate and networking.

Although some places were still available as Healthcare Finance went to press, we are already guaranteed another high attendance. I am delighted we have a direct link on Wednesday with the Institute for Health Improvement Conference in Orlando, Florida, for what I am sure will be an excellent session on quality.

I am also delighted at the line-up of prestigious speakers, including Andrew Neil, who will give us his take on the year’s political issues. Big hitters from the Department of Health will be with us, including chief executive David Nicholson and our own professional leader, David Flory.

We look forward to our annual awards ceremony. The awards have grown in stature and provide a superb platform to celebrate excellence in financial management. Given today’s challenges, highlighting productivity improvements through our HFMA Efficiency Award couldn’t be more timely. And our regular Finance Director of the Year and Accounts Team of the Year awards will generate their usual buzz.

We have an important new award this year – the HFMA Working with Finance: Clinician of the Year Award. Delivering higher quality at lower cost is a challenge that will require partnership between clinicians, finance and other managers and we hope this award will showcase best practice.

So it is very much business as usual for the association. If you helped in our events over the last year or simply attended, we thank you – we value your support.