News / Better year for CCG accounts

29 June 2015 Steve Brown

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The 2014/15 financial year-end marked the second accounts closure process for CCGs. And after a turbulent first year, in which 80% of the new bodies found the timetable challenging, there was a clear improvement.

About a third of all commissioners responded and fewer than 50% said the timetable was a challenge. This was despite a shorter production window of 42 days after the year-end – five days fewer than last year. 

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the speed of audit work and resolution of issues raised within a truncated timeframe emerged as a new issue.

Three quarters of respondents said that all relevant guidance was available as needed – a major improvement on 2013/14. However, problems remain around the availability and completeness of information from third parties – a particular concern for pooled budgets. ‘The information currently provided by third parties hosting pooled budgets is information that has been requested for many years and is generally not material,’ said the HFMA.

This will change with the better care fund. Most CCGs will rely on councils for information and this could be material.