FMTS blog / The best way to start my career in finance

31 October 2017 Chris Brown

As I enter the third and final year, I can state that my time on the scheme so far has been fantastic, and has afforded myself and my peers the best possible experience in starting our careers in finance.

At the moment I’m pretty busy. I’m working in an excellent team at Coventry and Rugby CCG, getting involved in some meaningful projects that will hopefully uncover savings for the organisation. On top of my work at there, I’m studying my final two modules with CIPFA, as well as undertaking some research projects for the HFMA Research and Development Committee and prepping for a presentation at next month’s student conference – as you can see, the scheme keeps you on your toes.

As a result, I rarely stop to reflect on my time thus far. My first placement on the scheme started two years ago at Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, in the truly brilliant finance management team. While I was at the Children’s Hospital I experienced everything from finance management; the treasury; meeting budget holders and clinicians; entering theatres and observing surgery; shadowing senior execs and even Christmas quizzes and World Cup sweepstakes. I couldn’t have wished for a better placement to start the scheme.

Afterwards I moved over to Warwickshire North CCG where I learned the inner workings of a CCG and continued to grow as a management accountant; before moving over to Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit and getting involved in the energetic world of commercial finance and contract bidding.

I would like to thank my placement managers to date: Carrie Cook, Anthony Chapman and Sam Matthews for their guidance, as well as Phil Foster, Chris Lonsdale and Clare Hollingworth for their support during my placements. The scheme has been really worthwhile, and I look forward to the new challenges on the horizon in my final year.

Applications for the NHS Finance Management Training Scheme are now open. Submit your application form until 9 January 2018.