Comment / Best way to claim a tax refund

30 May 2022 Caroline D’Cruz

At HM Revenue and Customs, we’re keen to make sure that no-one misses out on what’s due to them, particularly with living costs rising.

The best way to claim a tax refund is to apply to HMRC directly. It’s quick and easy. All you have to do is go to GOV.UK and set up a government gateway account, if you don’t already have one.

You might be able to claim tax relief for things like:

  • professional fees and subscriptions; this includes your HFMA membership (if you pay for it)
  • uniforms and work clothing
  • using your own vehicles for work travel (this doesn’t mean your journey from home to work)
  • working from home

You may have seen adverts for companies that will do these claims on your behalf, but it’s important to know that they will charge you for doing this – up to 50% of your refund. If you want to keep all of the money you’re due then it’s best to come to HMRC directly.

You can also check your eligibility online and find out more useful information on GOV.UK. It will only take you around five minutes. If you qualify, you can carry on and do your claim there and then. And who doesn't need a bit of extra cash in their pockets right now? HMRC doesn’t normally require written confirmation from HFMA of the payments you have made; they will contact you if they do, or if there’s anything they need to check.

But it’s not just work-related expenses that people are missing out on – there are also things like marriage allowance, which can reduce a couple’s tax bill for each year by up to £252. We have a simple guide and more details on how to apply on GOV.UK.

Also, could you help us in passing this information on? You may know lots of people who can claim job expenses who would find this information useful, so please spread the word.